Monday, December 10, 2012

My final blog on my exciting MARVELous Maine Invitational adventure. Where did the time go?

My biggest discovery was really the VAST amount of information available to all Maine residents through MARVEL. I realize I've only touched the surface and need to explore the other databases not covered, but I still appreciate so much this adventure that opened my eyes, an amazing adventure I won't forgot. So excited to share what I've learned with our patrons.

Plus I have a BLOG - BML Director Tales -  oh my goodness, never thought that would happen.  I'm seriously thinking about linking my blog to our library webpage and share with our patrons my adventures through MARVEL, and other sources of information I discover along the way. Learning never stops.

I've been thinking about using our Facebook account to ask a Question (monthly or bi-monthly) and reference a MARVEL database(s) where answer may be found. Still working out this idea in my mind. My biggest challenge will be time, I'm a one-person staffed library, but I think this would be a great way to expose MARVEL to people.

Even thought about creating a bulletin board in the library, highlighting a certain MARVEL database each month. I'd also like to host workshops to introduce the databases, using the tutorials from the Maine State Library to start as I've done with Ancestry.

Thank You for my awesome adventure through the land of MARVEL. I promise to continue my exploration  of MARVEL's databases and share what I learn with our patrons.

So long!!! Maybe we'll meet again in blog-land.!

            So many "resources", so little time

Thursday, December 6, 2012

I'm down to the home stretch...... Oh my!  Let my adventure move on to EbscoHost.

I picked Masterfile Premier to explore. I was impressed with the extensive Publications list. For a popular magazine, I looked up Better Homes and Gardens and found the database has Bibliographic Records:01/01/1984 to present only. I wanted to find a popular magazine with full text available so I continued my search  and discovered Good Housekeeping is available in full text from 01/01/1996 to present. 

For my basic search I decided on "Digital Literacy" because I recently attended a workshop on this and wanted to see what was available. One article of interest "The Intersection of Public Policy and Public Access: Digital Divides, Digital Literacy, Digital Inclusion, and Public Libraries." was not available in full text, only the abstract. So I continued perusing the list and found the article Digital Literacy Takes Center Stage, chapter 6 from Library Technology Reports August 2011, an interesting article that "examines the need for libraries to position themselves as digital literacy experts, support staff competencies to maintain the level of expertise required in the digital landscape, and explore opportunities to expand digital literacy initiatives." (quote taken from abstract). I found this article very appropriate, tying into the workshop I attended.

Now on to Ebsco eBooks - I decided to search knitting (my favorite topic) but no results which didn't really surprise me. Then I tried Greek Mythology in basic search with full text which resulted in 25 ebooks, little disappointed the latest date was 2000.  "Earthly Daugthers" looked interesting, but the ebook "Star Trek and Sacred Ground" seemed a little odd. I decided to do an advanced search with full text and boolean/ phrase to narrow my search - resulting in 20 ebooks dating from 1998-1999. Again disappointed nothing more current.

In search for Constitution and United States, ending in 41 results, I located two books that might be helpful - "State Constitutions of the United States" by Maddex and "Founding Friendship" by Liebiger. In searching for Western History and Nebraska or Oklahoma, the results pulled up books by University of Nebraska Press and University of Oklahoma Press. A couple books looking interesting for western history - "Overland Journey from New York to San Francisco in Summer of 1859" (Nebraska Press) and "Creating the National Park Service" (Oklahoma Press).

 I really like the feature on the home page of  "Highlights"  and "Featured ebooks"., excited to see the ebook ASVAB : Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery: Maximize Your Score in Less Time. I recently had a patron ask for material on ASVAB so excited to refer her to this eBook and LearningExpress Library. The browse by category is another helpful feature.  

Well that's all for now, my exploration has ended. Anxiously waiting (ha ha) for the post test. 

My MARVELous  Maine Invitational has been so rewarding, even though at times I had a hard time keeping up with my homework. There are so many valuable and informative resources for our patrons to use. Can't wait to share what I've learned with them. THANK YOU for a great exploration.

          So many "resources", so little time!!!

Monday, December 3, 2012

A little late, but here I am.... let's discover Learning Express Library.  I'm  somewhat familiar with this resource because I've used it with our patrons - a great tool to direct our patrons to who want to expand their knowledge, improve there skills, or prepare for tests etc. There is so much material available, an exciting resource.

I decided to explore the 4th grade Reading practice: informational text 1 to see what was involved and to see how the Score section was handled. I particularly liked the View Answers section of  Score My Test, so helpful to have explained why certain answers aren't correct. I think a student (adults) would have a very positive experience working through this test and others available within Learning Express.

Within the Career Course: Job Search and Workplace Skills, I decided to investigate Job Search and Networking Skills. Again I was very impressed - a clear concise overview of the course is provided first, then detailed step-by-step one needs to do to begin a job search such as getting organized, list of possible online job sites, etc. There was a list of common abbreviations found in classified ads which I thought very helpful (which could be printed off too). Excellent. Can't wait to share this others.

For an ebook, I decided to pick Goof Proof Personal Finance. Our library will be participating in Money Smart Week in April 2013 and I thought this resource could be a good one to refer to. It has a great appendix of Online Resources & CD-Rom's referenced - I'd like to check many of them out to see it they are current and still available, noting the copyright of the book is 2005. From what I perused, the book looks like a helpful resource to reference and recommend.

So excited to have LearningExpress Library available for our patrons. I'll continue to reference this great resource and work to connect even more people with it.

I need to close for now. One database to go in my MARVELous Maine Invitational adventure, where has the time gone?

        So many "resources", so little time!

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

This week's exploration of Ancestry Library will be done early. Hurray!!! 

I was so excited to see that Ancestry was this week's database to explore. It just so happens, I've done two workshops on Ancestry Library Edition in our library in the last couple months -  one for our local historical society and another for the public.

 Both times, I had the participants view the 3 short tutorials at the Maine State Library. They are excellent and a great place to start. Plus it good, anyone can view them even before coming to the library to try Ancestry. Once the participants viewed the tutorials, they explored their ancestors. So I felt right at home looking up myself and my grandfather.

I only found one correct listing on myself - in U.S. Public Records Vol. 1 - Schools, Directories & Churches.  There was one other listing but the address was incorrect. No marriage record, which was interesting. Thought I'd try my maiden name but no results.

In searching for my grandfather on my dad's side, I found him listed in MA Vital records 1620-1988, as well as my father in the search results. I also found my grandfather in the Social Security Death Index; and the U.S. Federal Census of 1910, 1920, 1930, 1940. Each census was interesting to look at, particularly the household members.

As far as the exercise to search for Maine under "Photos and Maps" that was more challenging. The "Photos and Maps" heading is found by clicking on the Search tab, but I couldn't figure out where to put Maine as a keyword. Instead I clicked on Maine within the United States Maine, which resulted in an extensive list of data to search such as Maine Military men, Maine naturalization records, Genealogical advisor (with tab noting it had been "updated" which I think is helpful) plus much more.

My trip down Ancestry lane was very interesting, as I found in our workshops. Excited to discover more about my family.

Happy Thanksgiving!!! Til next time.

          So many "resources, so little time!

Monday, November 19, 2012

Where has the time gone.... late again. Oh well! couldn't be helped.  On to discovering the consumer health resources.

I was very impressed with the wide selection of publications in Health Source: Consumer Edition ranging from health reports, letters, magazine, books - lots of resources to tap into - many offering full text. I decided to search Diabetes which my husband has in hopes of sharing new information with him. I sorted my results date descending and narrowed it to 2010 - 2012 dates with 1082 results. I read the article "Go Nuts for Health!"   Authors: Palmer, Sharon  Source: Environmental Nutrition; Nov2012, Vol. 35 Issue 11, p1-6, 2p.
It was a very interesting article, written in layman's terms. I was excited to share the information discovered with my husband - learned about the healthy benefits of tree nuts - eating nuts can help manage and prevent type 2 diabetes - new studies found a protective link between nut consumption and cognitive health.

Medline Plus is another great resource. The What's in the News for today were: Cartoons may ease anxiety for kids facing surgery; Hearing loss tied to diabetes in study; Smoking in pregnancy tied to lower reading scores. Some of the top searches are Aspirin, Diabetes, hypertension.

Under Drugs and Supplements, I wanted to check out Vitamin D,  I was recently told to increase my intact of this. Unfortunately it was not listed - surprising? So I then chose Glipizide, a medication my husband takes. A great deal of information is included such as Why medication is subscribed; How medicine is to be used; precautions; Special dietary instructions; Side effects; Brand names plus much more.

When I searched for diabetes under "Health Topics"  found an extensive amount of information, a medical encyclopedia in comparison to Health Source which presents current findings, studies, etc. Under diabetes there was an introduction (overview), guide to type 1 & 2 as well as latest news, diagnosis/symptoms, treatment prevention, alternative therapy, nutrition, coping, etc. Very impressive. This is a great database to direct our patrons to for accurate information on health topics.

The videos are a great asset, clearly presenting information visually for the visual learner. I watched the video on Macular Degeneration and found it very clear, informative, helped me better understand the condition my mother deals with.

Again, great databases to explore and share with our patrons - really impressed with MedlinePlus. That's all for now, till next time digging through my ancestry .....what will I discover?
Happy Thanksgiving!
         So many resources, so little time!

Monday, November 12, 2012

I'm back - time for Value Line - very overwhelming but here goes. I really like the "Description" - impressive, great point to direct people to first. The various reports offered contain a lot of information: "Ratings and Reports" list company, ticker, industry and timeliness with options to view information in PDF or HTML form (good options) ; "Selection and Opinion" provides economic and stock market commentary, recent developments and stock selection (ex Co Star group) ; and Summary and Index provide broad information - analysis of industries and index to stocks. Lots to take in, really need more time to explore. I picked Starbucks to research. I searched for it within the Lookup Company feature under investment surevey which resulted in 1 result of a pdf file on Starbuck Corp report date 8/31/2012.  Confused about the various tabs at the top of the report and where is "full research report." I seem to be lost??? Need to move on down the street to Wall Street Journal.

In Wall Street Journal in searching for health care and small business, I decided to also use as well full text and date limits of "last 12 months" to be as pertinent as possible. My search resulted in 1756, which surprised me, didn't think there would be so many hits. I did notice some of the hits don't necessarily relate health care to small business, just those terms are in the article (ex. The Readers Weigh In
Anonymous. Wall Street Journal [New York, N.Y] 12 Nov 2012: R.2.). The "Suggested subjects"  is a valuable feature - very useful to anyone struggling with just the right word combinations, or  to get a person closer to what information they really want. As in other databases we've explored I'm impressed with the create alert and email options. Create alert could be very helpful to be notified of any new articles on health care and small business.

The Business databases are informative resources, but I need to get a better handle on them - definitely more hands-on searching.....but for now
I must bid goodbye to the Business Databases!  Time for our next adventure in the land of "Health". 
          So many "resources", so little time!

First, I must confess the Business Databases were not my favorite because I felt very ignorant when doing the exercises. Good thing - exercises opened my eyes to the fact I need to expand and improve my knowledge of these business-related databases. Plan to check into EBSCO for some on-line tutorials.

I need to learn so much more, so I can share these resources with our small business owners, etc. So thank you for these exercises, even though my experiences was a challenge!

Now to the exercises:

Searching for "FM radio" within Business Source Complete resulted in 844 possible sources ranging from academic journals, periodicals, reports, product reviews, trade publications - quite a selection. I found it interesting that if I searched without the two words in " " I got the following message: Note: Your initial search query did not yield any results. However, using SmartText Searching, results were found based on your keywords.
I looked at the visual search option and found it more challenging - wonder if it would really appeal to our patrons. You have to go through "layers" to get to say an article you'd like to read. Why is this option offered I wonder?

Within EconLit I searched for small business loans - interested to see only 4 results that could possibly be helpful but dated 2011, not as current as I thought they should be. Searching for EPA and small business seemed a little more challenging. I tried searching small business and EPA (spelled out) with no results, but if I used the abbreviation EPA got 1 result - "Land Recycling, Community Revitalization, and Distributive Politics: An Analysis of EPA Brownfields Program Support". In general, it's challenging to know how to enter the search words, their form, etc. patrons could become very frustrated.

I decided to search Best Buy in the Regional Business News - with 2938 results, would definitely need to narrow down the search. So I tried "Best Buy" & Maine narrowing to years 2011-2012 and full text which resulted in 79 resources many from By: CashStar, Inc.. Business Wire (English).  For a Maine company, I searched Tom's of Maine with 28 results all coming from newspapers, covering such things as their new recycling iniative, new toothpaste.

Value Line Investment Survey for Public Libraries- oh my goodness! most of the information looks like Greek to me. I can see where this would be a valuable resource for business-minded people who are into stocks - unfortunately that's not me. 
Need to stop for a few, will be back shortly to continue my "adventure" in the land of business....
          So many "resources", so little time